Accreditation Planning & Management
Are you looking for a way to make maintenance of your educational institution’s accreditation stress-free?
About Accreditation Planning & Management
Genesis Ed Solutions’s accomplished professionals have a proven track record of helping institutions manage the necessary elements to maintain accreditation, from data collection to reporting. Our team will ensure that you correctly identify the data you need to gather to demonstrate compliance with your accreditor’s standards. If your institution has not systematically captured those data in the past, the Genesis team will provide guidance on the systems required to ensure ongoing data collection. Genesis will help your team analyze the data and will suggest operational changes to ensure that you meet accreditation standards. We provide spot-on gap analysis and help create a bridge between where you are and your accreditation targets.
Benefits Include:
- Building the skills of the institution’s team, including its institutional effectiveness and research office, to support accreditation
- Eliminating the stress, guesswork, and last-minute tension from accreditation maintenance
- Documenting processes and data to demonstrate compliance with required standards
- Skilled project management tailored to the accreditation process