Community Impact Planning

Is your educational institution doing all it can to make a positive impact on the surrounding community? Does your community have an educational impact strategy that takes advantage of your institution’s assets?

About Community Impact Planning

Genesis Ed Solutions can engage your team in a strategic planning process to identify specific strategies that draw upon the assets of your institution to solve for the educational needs of your community. This process can help you achieve a broader mission by embedding your institution into a community ecosystem of aligned education resources and strategies from preschool through college and career training. Genesis will help you engage stakeholders to develop a community asset map, then drive consensus around how to build on what exists to maximize impact. Genesis can also aid you in garnering financial resources to implement new community-serving programs such as professional development for educators. This community impact-focused approach will produce mutually beneficial outcomes for both your educational institution and the community.

Benefits Include:

  • Improved educational outcomes for community members
  • Financial benefits leveraged for the institution and community
  • Increased institutional visibility and positive perception due to community engagement
  • Increased student, faculty, and staff opportunities to work in and serve the surrounding community
  • Connects your academic offerings to your community’s needs.

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